Auditovať synonymum


Another word for auditor: inspector, critic, investigator, supervisor, superintendent | Collins English Thesaurus

Auditorium definition, the space set apart for the audience in a theater, school, or other public building. See more. What is an IT auditor? A vital role for risk assessment An IT auditor is responsible for analyzing and assessing an organization’s technological infrastructure to find problems with efficiency audit meaning: 1. to make an official examination of the accounts of a business and produce a report 2.

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30. apr. 2002 (1) Synonymum: Vacherin fribourgeois. 11/zv. 41. SK. Úradný vestník Podniky a zariadenia sa môžu auditovať podľa potreby.

audit meaning: 1. to make an official examination of the accounts of a business and produce a report 2. to go to a…. Learn more.

French: ·auditorship Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary An auditor is a person or a firm appointed by a company to execute an audit. To act as an auditor, a person should be certified by the regulatory authority of accounting and auditing or possess certain specified qualifications. Beskrivelse og synonymer for ordet Auditor.

Auditovať synonymum

audit accounts, →, revidovať účtyrevidovať účty. →, auditovať účtyauditovať účty · audit bookkeeping department, →, kontrolná učtáreňkontrolná učtáreň.

Find another word for audit. Find 4 ways to say auditor, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Another word for auditor: inspector, critic, investigator, supervisor, superintendent | Collins English Thesaurus Another word for audit: inspect, check, review, balance, survey | Collins English Thesaurus Synonyms for audit include inspection, survey, check, examination, review, scrutiny, investigation, scan, analysis and appraisal. Find more similar words at wordhippo Systematický, nezávislý a dokumentovaný proces pro získávání důkazu a pro jeho objektivní hodnocení s cílem stanovit rozsah, v němž jsou splněna kritéria Translate Auditivo. See 2 authoritative translations of Auditivo in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. auditives synonyms and antonyms in the French synonyms dictionary, see also 'localisation auditive',perception auditive',prothèse auditive',trompe auditive', definition. audit accounts, →, revidovať účtyrevidovať účty.

Auditovať synonymum

Synonyms for Auditor (other words and phrases for Auditor) - Page 2. Aug 30, 2019 · Accounting vs. Auditing: An Overview . Accountants and auditors work with a business' financial statements and ensure they are accurate, up-to-date, and in compliance with various regulatory auditoria - sinónimos de 'auditoria' en un diccionario de 200.000 sinónimos online auditorium definition: 1. the part of a theatre, or similar building, where the people who are watching and listening sit….

Auditovať synonymum

"Smer od svojho vzniku dával auditovať svoje účtovné závierky a ani v jednom prípade audítor neupozornil na žiadny problém," odkazuje Kližanová Rýsová. Aliancia v podnete spomína ešte aj informačnú tabuľu, ktorú si Smer zase prenajal v Petržalke za jednu korunu na rok. Pritom má podľa Wienk stáť 600 korún. "Taktiež ide o zákonom zakázaný dar od obce." Hovorca Petržalky Ľubomír … auditovať, kontrolovať Auditing audit, audítorská činnosť Auditplan plán auditu auf dem Transportweg na ceste Aufbauorganisation organizačná štruktúra aufbieten vynaložiť sämtliche Kräfte aufbieten vynaložiť všetky sily; aufbrechen rozpísať aufgebrochen auf Einzeltransaktionen und Tag rozpísané na jednotlivé transakcie a deň Aufbürdung uloženie Aufbürdung der Verfahrenskosten uloženie nákladov konania … auditovať, kontrolovať Auditing Auditplan plán auditu auf dem Transportweg na ceste Aufbauorganisation organizačná štruktúra aufbieten vynaložiť aufbrechen rozpísať Aufbürdung uloženie Aufdruck potlač Aufenthalt pobyt Aufenthaltsberechtigung povolenie k pobytu Die Aufenthaltsberechtigung war eine Form der Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, die zwischen 1991 und 2004 … Find 27 ways to say audit, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 22 synonyms of audit from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 45 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for audit. Mar 08, 2021 · Another word for auditor: inspector, critic, investigator, supervisor, superintendent | Collins English Thesaurus Synonyms for audit include inspection, survey, check, examination, review, scrutiny, investigation, scan, analysis and appraisal.

Such a person evaluates the validity of the company’s financial statements.This is undertaken to report if the company adheres to the established set of standards or procedures. The primary purpose of the audit is to confirm the authenticity of books of accounts prepared by an accountant. In this post, we will cover Auditing introduction, definitions, and functions. Summary of Audit Process; 1. Appointment: This is the first step in the audit process flowchart above where we, as auditors, are appointed to perform the audit work on the client’s financial statements.

See more. What is an IT auditor? A vital role for risk assessment An IT auditor is responsible for analyzing and assessing an organization’s technological infrastructure to find problems with efficiency audit meaning: 1. to make an official examination of the accounts of a business and produce a report 2. to go to a….

alebo 2. časti synonyms (gene symbol).

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French: ·auditorship Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary

Synonyms for Auditory (other words and phrases for Auditory). im·pair (ĭm-pâr′) tr.v. im·paired, im·pair·ing, im·pairs To cause to weaken, be damaged, or diminish, as in quality: an injury that impaired my hearing; a severe Trending Searches 🔥 creative challenge beautiful schmuck negative-impact define white-person gujarati focus for-the-first-time assimilate more-likely potential cohesiveness perspective out-of-the-box thinking assistance know-it-all antonym center mental-health help aesthetic afrikaans good important bittersweet basis specialize patriarchal love technology rhetoric homophobic Nov 13, 2020 · Auditor: An auditor is an official whose job it is to carefully check the accuracy of business records. An auditor might be either an internal auditor , external auditor or independent auditor for audit synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'audacity',admit',audible',audience', definition.