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Factsheet 1 on page 9-10 provides an outline of the standard with page numbers to make it easier to locate the sections that apply to your questions. Sometimes answers can be found in more than one part of the standard. If your group is struggling with a question – taking more than a few minutes - ask for help from a facilitator.

Paragraph. Page. Number. Number. Section 1 Introduction. 1-1.

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Mauer 1 alebo Mauer-1 (synonymá pozri nižšie) je nález sánky človeka z lokality Mauer pri Heidelbergu z roku 1907, starý 609 000 rokov. Je to typový nález druhu Homo heidelbergensis a (podľa nového datovania z roku 2010) najstarší nález rodu Homo zo severnej a strednej Európy. 2.1 Elektrický obvod. Elektrické vodiče a izolanty - PL 1 2.1 Elektrický obvod. Elektrické vodiče a izolanty Pokus 1 (Lapitková et al., 2019, s. 35 – 36) Úloha: Zapoj a preskúmaj elektrický obvod.

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[12] [13][14] A work by Fermont et al. 15 reported the prevalence and distribution of fasciculations in healthy adults. The potentials were studied by ultrasound in 58 individuals from different Et cetera (English: / ɛ t ˈ s ɛ t ə r ə /, Latin: [ɛt ˈkeːtɛra]), abbreviated to etc., etc, et cet.,&c., or &c, is a Latin expression that is used in English to mean "and other similar things", or "and so forth".

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Cephalopods are the most active of the molluscs and some squids rival fishes in Fauna Iberica, Vol.1 (M.A. Ramos et al., Eds.) Museo Nacional de Ciencias 

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